
Hospitals are Ready for the DRG - Hospital Manager - 01.04.2012

Hospitals are ready for the DRG application with DataSel

Moving forward with awareness for social responsibility, DataSel has decided to share the DRG Data Transfer Program with all hospitals free of charge

The “DRG Data Transfer Program,” which will make it easier for hospitals to collect information because of the Ministry of Health’s DRG- Diagnosis Related Groups application, has been developed by DataSel Information Systems.The DRG Data Transfer Program that has been developed does not require further development or adaptation on the Hospital Information Management Systems. The information that is required by the Ministry of Health application is easily transferred. The user is able to complete data that is incomplete and transfer it to the Ministry of Health.

“With electronic provisions we are able to provide important advantages to not only the insurance companies and hospitals, but to the insured as well.”

DRG will become widespread this year

If it is taken into consideration that the rate of health expenditures in the Gross Domestic Product has increased Turkey is placed among the countries that have started significant work in the scope of health reforms in terms of resource management and control.

The DRG Data Transfer Program does not require additional adjustments on Hospital Information Management Systems. The data that is required by the Ministry of Health is easily transferred to the program.

The Ministry of Health pays 10 percent of public hospital accrual payments according to DRG. The popularization of the system in 2012 is targeted. The Ministry of Health has started collecting data from public hospitals for DRG and requested that the hospitals use the software that they have developed for data collection.

The DRG Data Transfer

ProgramDataSel Information Systems, a company regarded as experts in the field as a result of the Hospital Information Management Systems that they have developed, has developed the DRG Data Transfer Program, independent from the Hospital Data Management Programs that are still being used by all public hospitals, to simplify the process necessary to transfer data to the Ministry of Health DRG data collection program. In the statement made by DataSel it was said that;“We are aware of and stand behind the national work that is being done on the subject of DRG. We are developing supportive programs with this knowledge. We have decided as DataSel to share the DRG Data Transfer Program with all hospitals free of charge under the awareness of social responsibility. This program and information concerning the use of this program can be accessed free of charge on our website under the ‘Solutions’ sections.”

What is DRG?

The basic purpose in forming diagnosis related groups is to create one definition for case types that are expected to get similar printouts or services and therefore enable the creation of information that can be compared. The application is known as a tool that was developed in America in the 1970’s to audit the quality of health services at the Yale University. Patients admitted with the DRG system as a case classification system that was used in reimbursements since 1980, are classified according to a specific algorithm.

DataSel’s new project:


DataSel’s Telemedicine project, which was prepared in cooperation with Avea and Pfizer, allows patients to be able to send their blood pressure measurements at different times and more than once a day to their doctors electronically.

DataSel has presented the Telemedicine application, one of the most important steps in health informatics and telecommunication technologies. The Telemedicine Project, which is accepted as one of the most important steps in the transformations of a revolutionary nature in the sector, has been accomplished by DataSel in cooperation with Avea and Pfizer.With this project, for which the media introduction work began in 2012, 15 family doctors will gain the ability to remotely monitor their patient’s blood pressure measurements with 50 devices for a period of 2 weeks. The patients will be able to transfer the blood pressure measurements they take at different times and more than once a day to their doctor electronically. This application is said to carry the potential of being an informer of the future in this field.It is expected, as the result of various analysis and evaluations that this will gain the nature of a guide application for the popularization of Telemedicine projects.

The Number of Patients will Increase

In the statement made by DataSel it was pointed out that the popularization of Telemedicine applications would cause changes in the existing capacities of health services providers. The statement included the following:“There are strong expectations that this will allow health services providers to serve more patients consequently leading to growth in the sector. Also the patients will be able to stay in their own surroundings and therefore save on time spent on doctor visits and traveling expenses while the satisfaction in service quality while increase significantly. There will also be a rise in service quality for the other stakeholders in the sector such as the Ministry of Health, SSI, doctors and private life insurance companies.
